PEKO is excited to announce the arrival of another large horizontal machining center to our CNC machining facility: The Hyundai Wia KH1000. While the machine was delivered to our facility a few months ago, a machine of this size took a few weeks for our team to piece together, set up and calibrate. All of which ensures the Hyundai Wia KH1000 can perform to the highest standard in terms of quality. This all happened after we removed an older machine from the facility and laid a new pad in our foundation to support a giant of its size.
PEKO specializes in the manufacturing of custom machinery for our Original Equipment Manufacturers, and we’re always up to the task of installing our own CNC machines once they’re delivered to our facilities.

Expanding Capabilities
PEKO is more than just a machine shop, yet we still rely on the ability to produce precision parts at a high rate so they can be used in the assemblies and sub-assemblies manufactured in our other departments. By increasing our throughput from the CNC Machining department, PEKO now has the ability to decrease overall lead time of our customer’s finished product. As our company grows, our facilities have been growing ahead of these anticipated goals. This Hyundai Wia KH1000 is comparable to the KIWA we installed last year. The new machine allows us to increase our throughput of large, machined defense parts that PEKO is assembling on another facility.
On the parts we run on the Hyundai Wia KH1000 thus far, PEKO has kept within +/-0.0002″. The max table load is over 6,000 lbs and the competitive x-travel is 82.7″.